Post Anthropocene

Iceless waters, priceless lands

180 x 150 cm, 24 carat gold leaf, mixed media

A statement piece.

The artwork is part of the series "Overview effect". The overview effect is a cognitive shift that affects astronauts, when they see the earth from outer space, after which they no longer identify with a specific nationality or culture. Instead, they see themselves, and all citizens on earth, as one people, living on one world.

Basic characteristics of the Overview Effect are a sense of awe, a deep understanding of the interconnectedness of all life on earth and a new sense of responsibility for our environment.

In the series I deal with the question: What happens, if the viewer sees our planet, represented by an abstract version of itself, under the lens of the overview affect?

The title of the picture alludes to the influence of humans on our planet, while at the same time emphasizing its preciousness. This immeasurable preciousness, beauty and uniqueness of our planet Earth is also expressed through the use of real, 24-carat gold leaf.

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